‘Startup’s from Gipuzcoa keen on conquering the world (in Spanish)

La empresa Surphase, s.l. fue constituida en 2018 por Iliane Rafaniello y Thomas Schäfer. Ha desarrollado una tecnología que detecta en fase temprana la suciedad que se deposita en las membranas que se utilizan en las desalinizadoras. De esta forma, la limpieza se puede realizar de manera menos agresiva. El dispositivo se puede aplicar en otros sectores, […]

An innovative device that improves water filtration systems (in Spanish)

Aumentar la eficacia de los sistemas de depuración de agua es el principal objetivo de Surphase. La start up donostiarra ha desarrollado un sistema de detección precoz de la suciedad de las membranas de filtrado que le ha valido un premio Toribio Echevarria. El agua es un bien común cada vez más escaso. Informe recientes […]

Blog of the Basque enterprise (in Spanish)

Surphase y Ekolber: Premios Toribio Echevarria al emprendimiento innovador Surphase, en la de ‘Ideas/Proyectos Empresariales’, y Ekolber, en la categoría de ‘Nueva Empresa’, han sido las iniciativas ganadoras en la 29 edición de los Premios Toribio Echevarria-Premios Euskadi al Emprendimiento Innovador, que se han entregado en Eibar. Ambos proyectos, orientados hacia la sostenibilidad medioambiental, han protagonizado el […]

Solutions for...


SURPHASE enables designing a strategy toward the most sustainable use of detergents. This means a significant advantage for cleaning agent producers over their competitors.

We have learnt that our device offers producers of cleaning agents a unique tool to test their formulations in situ and in real time. This is in stark contrast to current trial&error approaches which are unable to systematically verify the actual detergent efficiency, both ecologically and economically.

Solutions for...


SURPHASE enables an optimized design of new desalination plants based on the big data obtained from its network of monitoring devices.

Until today, a significant amount of desalination plants is designed on standard concepts which can be far from optimum. In these cases, posterior adaptation of the plant can turn out costly and even economically inviable, resulting in an inefficient operation of the desalination plant.

Solutions for...


By detecting fouling at an early-stage, SURPHASE helps keeping membrane lifetime at the level warranted by the manufacturer.

Furthermore, as an intelligent monitoring device SURPHASE offers the possibility to record – similar to a “black box” – the operating conditions the membrane is being exposed to during operation. 

Solutions for...


SURPHASE predicts at an early-stage and in a short-term the fouling tendency of desalination membranes. This provides an opportunity for the operator to plan the cleaning cycles well ahead. The data obtained by SURPHASE enable a long-term optimization of the operation of the desalination plant.